Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Homemade Holidays - the gifts! Part 3
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Homemade Holidays - the gifts - Part 2

Miss Alexis is the princess in our family - the only girl, surrounded by boys! I love that I am her Godmother and I love that I can make girly things for her!!! She just started dance lessons - so I thought she definitely needed a little bag to carry her ballet shoes in.
I started with some soft fine-wale corduroy. I have been making bags and purses for several years, so I didn't use a pattern, I just started cutting. I used an image from the Graphics Fairy for the ballerina and added her initial to the bag (an iron-on, darn I wish santa would bring me an embroidery machine!!!) Of course the tulle around the top!
Here are some up close shots of the ballerina image. I added the tulle skirt and crystals for that little extra something!

Monday, December 20, 2010
Homemade Holiday - the gifts! Part 1

A pillow for Jackson! My nephew is a cowboys fan, God love him! It hurt my hands a little to touch this fabric, but I pushed through the pain and created this pillow for him as one of his Christmas gifts. This boy is an amazing kid - the struggles that he has had to endure and he has fought through make him an inspiration.
At four months old, Jackson contracted meningitis. We almost lost him - but he hung on and fought! He came away from that experience with some real challenges - loss of hearing, some brain damage and some real physical challenges...but that didn't stop Jackson.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thrift Store Treasures

When I saw this metal "scoop" just laying on the rack at our local Goodwill store, I understood why so many people had passed it by. Originally, it was painted a lovely mustard color...almost blindingly yellow. I wish I had remembered to take a picture so I could show a dramatic before and after - I just get so darned excited!
Anyway, I got this home and mixed some paints together to get the blue color I wanted. I painted and painted and painted - it took a few coats to hide that yellow! Once I got it covered and the paint dried, I used some antiquing stain to highlight the really cool details.
I am so happy with it! Can't you see a little bird making its home in that nest?
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Homemade Holidays, Part 3

Sheet music, sheet music, sheet music...I know it was Miss Mustard Seed that started me on the hunt for sheet music. She has done some really amazing things with it! If you haven't checked out her blog yet, I highly recommend it! I think this wreath is the first sheet music thing I created. I started with a dollar store foam wreath - modge podge - and very sticky fingers! The sheet music that I used for this wreath was images I got from the Graphics Fairy - wow, another great site that you MUST visit!!!
After I got the sheet music (which I cut into thin strips to make it easier) glued on, I thought it needed a little something extra - so I added the flower, doily and feather - which were left overs I had laying around the ole craft room. I thought it went nicely with the NOEL frames, don't ya think?
Friday, December 17, 2010
Homemade Holidays Part 2

Yesterday I showed you the sheet music NOEL frames that I created for my 1 (so far!) holiday display. Today, I want to show off my toile candles. These were super easy to make - and because I got carried away, I didn't stop to take pictures of the process. There are many, many, many tutorials on how to make these candles - so don't stress! I purchased the candles and the tissue paper from Hobby Lobby. I started with the plain cream candle, cut the tissue paper to size, then grabbed the heat gun from my supply cabinet and went to work.
It really only takes a few seconds of the heat gun heating the paper to get a thin layer of wax to form around the tissue paper. I think i finished the two candles in less than 10 minutes. I love that they look great for the holidays - but the toile is not holiday specific and I can use them again later!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Homemade Holidays

I had to have some Christmas showing around the house so the chest in the hallway got the treatment. I am not sure that it will still look like that by the weekend when I have ample time and ability to decorate the whole house, but I am happy with it for now!
With the exception of the tablecloth, I "crafted" everything you see. I am going to start with the NOEL frame set. I bought the frames from Joann Crafts for $1 each. They might have even been on sale for less, I just don't remember. They had been sitting in my craft closet for quite some time. I used sheet music from an old hymnal that I picked up at the thrift store (which, by the way, is where I got the chest) and decopauged the sheet music pieces randomly all over the frame. I finished by hot gluing red velvet ribbon around the outside of the frame.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Pottery Barn Inspiration Hand Towel

When I saw the cute ticking strip hand towels in the Pottery Barn Catalog I knew I needed them...but, as with most item in the catalog - I could not justify paying for them! So, I made my own version. I think I may have mentioned before that I do not have an embroidery machine - so I knew that monogramming was out. Instead I used a vintage tea label graphic from the Graphics Fairy instead.
I like my version just fine!

Eeeek - Long time no post!
I hadn't even realized that it has been August since I have posted anything. Where have I been? I don't really have a good answer to that question...running around like a chicken with my head cut off?? Being the wife of a high school football coach can be tyring - and busy...especially when the season doesn't go as you had hoped! So, I guess that is where I have been. Dutifully sitting in the stands, cheering on the boys of fall - no matter the outcome!
The same goes as being a mother of a baseball loving son, playing travel baseball throughout the fall season. My weekends this fall consisted of attending a football game Friday night, hosting an after game coaches "pig out" at our home - which usually lasted late into the night. Then getting up before light on Saturday morning to drive to the baseball field - to cheer on the "boys of summer!" - once again no matter the outcome, and another trying season!
Not to forget the little guy (who is not so little anymore!) Being present at all of his football games and cheering my head off! Of the three - his team had the most success this season - they ended up coming in 2nd place! I watched my baby (who was the smallest on the team) - who was soooo timid last season turn into a real football player. Of course after he made a tackle - he was always checking the stands to make sure I had seen it!!!
So, I guess that is where I have been for the past few months. I did manage to squeeze a few crafts and projects in. Today, I am just going to relax and enjoy the moment - look back at the good times we had this fall. As a parting "shot" This is my baby - dressed as Gene Shalit for halloween!
The same goes as being a mother of a baseball loving son, playing travel baseball throughout the fall season. My weekends this fall consisted of attending a football game Friday night, hosting an after game coaches "pig out" at our home - which usually lasted late into the night. Then getting up before light on Saturday morning to drive to the baseball field - to cheer on the "boys of summer!" - once again no matter the outcome, and another trying season!
Not to forget the little guy (who is not so little anymore!) Being present at all of his football games and cheering my head off! Of the three - his team had the most success this season - they ended up coming in 2nd place! I watched my baby (who was the smallest on the team) - who was soooo timid last season turn into a real football player. Of course after he made a tackle - he was always checking the stands to make sure I had seen it!!!
So, I guess that is where I have been for the past few months. I did manage to squeeze a few crafts and projects in. Today, I am just going to relax and enjoy the moment - look back at the good times we had this fall. As a parting "shot" This is my baby - dressed as Gene Shalit for halloween!

Monday, August 9, 2010
Beautiful Mannequin

Goodwill Treasures

Just a few things to make me happy, keep me busy, and keep me sane!
Simple girly artwork
I know I need to start every post with the disclaimer, "Why don't I have a little girl?" Well, I don't. Two boys - who are definitely ALL BOY! So, in order to claim my little piece of happiness, I create in my craft room - and generally create very girly things.
I created this very simple piece of artwork with one 10x10 canvas, 1 sheet of scrapbook paper and 16 small flowers.

I believe I got the canvases from Joann's - buy one get one and I know I picked up the scrapbook paper there for about 25 cents. The flowers were a close-out special last year from Stamping Up! I bought about 6 or 7 packs of them, knowing that someday I would put them to good use. Now, If I only had somewhere to hang this little cutie!
I created this very simple piece of artwork with one 10x10 canvas, 1 sheet of scrapbook paper and 16 small flowers.

I believe I got the canvases from Joann's - buy one get one and I know I picked up the scrapbook paper there for about 25 cents. The flowers were a close-out special last year from Stamping Up! I bought about 6 or 7 packs of them, knowing that someday I would put them to good use. Now, If I only had somewhere to hang this little cutie!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Lavender Sachets

I love the way lavender smells. Fresh lavender is wonderful, but apparently sends me into violent sneezing fits!
I made the lovely sachet above using a piece of linen and an image I found on the net. The image was ironed on using ink-jet t-shirt transfer paper. After it was sewn and cooled I thought a little sparkle would dress it up just a bit more...so out came the crystal stickles. I love it! Here are a few more that I whipped up...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Ruffled Roses Inspiration

Friday, May 21, 2010
Baseball - the meaning of life?

We have been trying to instill the feeling of leadership, sportsmanship, and love of the game in him rather than just being that kid who can go out and knock one over the fence (although - let's be honest, I am sure it feels pretty awesome. I think he is starting to get it. What it means to be a positive force on the bench. Bring your teammates up - not down. Jonathan is just starting to get into baseball - all the other baseball moms call him smiley. Jon doesn't care if he gets a hit, doesn't care if he crosses home plate - for him it is the little things. Getting his bat on the ball - no matter that it went foul and counts as a strike. When he makes contact, the smile on his face truly brings tears to my eyes.
I have only missed like one or two games in my kids baseball careers. I am the scorekeeper for both teams and I wouldn't change anything about it. I love it! I love it! I love it!
Do you remember the first time your child looked at you with pure joy and pride in their eyes? I do and I get choked up when I think about it. For Cody - he was about 3 1/2 and we were at the mall. They had one of those indoor playgrounds. His baby brother was about a month old and we had gone to grandma and grandpa's for a little break. Grandpa and I were at the mall watching Cody play on the giant pieces of fruit! The huge slice of watermelon was the one piece that Cody couldn't get up. He struggled and struggled and kept falling off. He never gave up! Finally after about 3o minutes of trying he finally pulled his chubby little legs up and stood on top of that watermelon - like he had just climed Mt. Everest. He looked at me with that look - and said "I did it Momma, I did it!"
For Jon - it was during his first flag football season. Jon is more about "fellowship" that being that star athlete. Coach found a good spot for him - he played center. He could be part of the action - but didn't need to be so intense. Well, toward the end of the season he was on defense and ran down the ball holder and finally got a hold of the flag. I will never, never forget the light shining from my son's face. It was like the heavens opened and God sent a sunbeam to little Jon. I can tell you that I was not the only one in the stand with tears in their eyes. If you looked up joy and pride in the dictionary - his face was there beaming. As he ran by he asked - "did you see me mom?"
Friday, April 23, 2010
Glitter in the air

I don't know about everyone else out there - but Pink's new song "Glitter in the Air" really gets to me. I heard it two or three times before I found out it was her. "Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself, will it ever get better than tonight?" She is usually know as such a rocker chick. Glad to know she isn't afraid to show her soft vulnerable side as well. I think I will sign off and go listen to the song again!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
My very First Slipcover!
I have seen so many others out there in blog land making the cutest slip covers. I finally just decided to give it a go. I am a crafty person, I like to sew, I can make a slip cover, right???
I purchased some muslin from Joann Fabrics for $2.99 a yard (?) with a 40% off coupon - so the fabric was way cheap! I didn't follow a pattern, I just started cutting pieces of muslin and pinning it all together backwards. It took awhile but turned my boring, formerly green (now spraypainted black) ladderback chair into a real charmer~
I really didn't want the chair to get lonely, stuck in the corner by itself - so I whipped up this pillow to sit on top. I made the "roses" out of some ribbon - gathered along the bottom edge. It added just that something!

I purchased some muslin from Joann Fabrics for $2.99 a yard (?) with a 40% off coupon - so the fabric was way cheap! I didn't follow a pattern, I just started cutting pieces of muslin and pinning it all together backwards. It took awhile but turned my boring, formerly green (now spraypainted black) ladderback chair into a real charmer~

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
More Inspiration
When I saw this picture - I knew I had to replicate in my house, somehow, some way! This is one crafty home decor enthusiast - Her blog - Imperfectly Beautiful has some great things. Here is my inspiration:
While I love the browns and blues - it doesn't really jive in my living room. So I looked around at stuff I had in various rooms and the basement and this is what I have come up with:
When I "finished" (are we ever really finished) I decided it needed a little something extra. I am having a love affair with all things French lately and wanted the look of french linens. Well, you can't just waltz into Joann fabrics and get some french linens - you know! I have looked a little online and the real deal is way out of my league. So, I decided that a little muslin, some tape and red paint will give me the effect I wanted for about $3! I am happy with it (for now!)

While I love the browns and blues - it doesn't really jive in my living room. So I looked around at stuff I had in various rooms and the basement and this is what I have come up with:

Ballard Designs Inspired

So, I started with an empty Bombay Gin bottle. Just happened to have a couple of them just laying around. Hmmm....I don't drink Gin! My hubby went to his 2nd home, The Home Depot Sunday morning and made the fatal mistake of asking me if I needed anything, like DUH! Just a little jute! Yes, I had to explain what jute was - he was like "Oh, you mean twine." Well sort of! He ended up coming home with sisal string - which I had to take back for JUTE - it was in the next bin over!!!

Thrift Store treasure

Funky, huh? I saw it at the thrift store and just knew I had to have it. Nothing a little spray paint and fabric couldn't fix?? I was just in one of those moods...make something new out of something old. I have been hooked on watching American Pickers and it just makes you want to go junking. Here are a couple more "before shots."

I ended up paying $45 for the chair - way more than I wanted too - but I knew if I left the chair in the store, I would regret it later. The money goes to the hospice, so it is all for a good cause. Are you ready for the makeover??? Check out this beauty!

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Valentine's Day calls for something a little special!
How do you change a drab black purse into something totally fabulous (in my opinion at least!) Add a gorgeous flower!!! Here is the before of a purse in my closet:

It works - but gets a little boring, don't ya think?? Todd and I are going to a Valentine's Day dance - a first for us. We usually don't really celebrate, but what the heck, right? He was kind enough to take me to Talbot's today to look for a sweater to wear (he did wait outside in the truck - so I did have to hustle a little!) I found a cute red cardigan with rhinestone buttons and it was on sale! SCORE!!
So, I came home and started thinking about accessories - I love purses. No, seriously it is an addiction. I knew I had this cute little number in the "bin" but it just needed a little something. TADA:
I constructed this "flower" out of some red raw silk fabric I had laying around doing nothing! I hot glued a pin on the back and added it to the purse. I just love it!!! Here is a closer look at the flower. If you want to know how I made it, just let me know!

Ok! Enough posts for today! Happy Valentine's Day.

It works - but gets a little boring, don't ya think?? Todd and I are going to a Valentine's Day dance - a first for us. We usually don't really celebrate, but what the heck, right? He was kind enough to take me to Talbot's today to look for a sweater to wear (he did wait outside in the truck - so I did have to hustle a little!) I found a cute red cardigan with rhinestone buttons and it was on sale! SCORE!!
So, I came home and started thinking about accessories - I love purses. No, seriously it is an addiction. I knew I had this cute little number in the "bin" but it just needed a little something. TADA:

Ok! Enough posts for today! Happy Valentine's Day.
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