The same goes as being a mother of a baseball loving son, playing travel baseball throughout the fall season. My weekends this fall consisted of attending a football game Friday night, hosting an after game coaches "pig out" at our home - which usually lasted late into the night. Then getting up before light on Saturday morning to drive to the baseball field - to cheer on the "boys of summer!" - once again no matter the outcome, and another trying season!
Not to forget the little guy (who is not so little anymore!) Being present at all of his football games and cheering my head off! Of the three - his team had the most success this season - they ended up coming in 2nd place! I watched my baby (who was the smallest on the team) - who was soooo timid last season turn into a real football player. Of course after he made a tackle - he was always checking the stands to make sure I had seen it!!!
So, I guess that is where I have been for the past few months. I did manage to squeeze a few crafts and projects in. Today, I am just going to relax and enjoy the moment - look back at the good times we had this fall. As a parting "shot" This is my baby - dressed as Gene Shalit for halloween!

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